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Mimic Project

Possible Photographers

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Eliot Porter

Eliot Porter- What makes Eliot Porter's work stand out to me is his ability to find beauty in overlooked places. He does photos of nature but his work seems so surreal. It feels foreign yet familiar at the same time. His work also gives off a rustic vibe. Porter's work looks like it could be a painting.

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Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks- What's so interesting about Gordon Parks' work is that it feels like intimate moments from history. His work shines a light on people in the past in a humanizing way, compared to the detached way that we normally do. Parks photographs events that we would read about in a history book as he viewed them when he lived through them. He doesn't discriminate in what he captures: beauty, ugliness, happiness, sadness, despair, and hope.

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Minor White

Minor White- A majority of his work is landscape photography. In his work, the landscape becomes abstracted and taken on a kaleidoscope effect. I find his ability to do this interesting. There's just something about his work that seems almost magical.

Photo History Presentation- Eliot Porter

Mimic Characteristics

  • Color

  • Rule of Thirds

  • Rule of Odds

  • Leading Lines

  • The calming serenity

  • Texture

Mimic Gallery

For my mimic project I took photographs in the style of Elliot Porter. It was important to capture the main characteristics of his work, including: Color, Rule of Thirds, Rule of Odds, Leading Lines, Texture, and the overall calming serenity that his photographs bring. My work differs from Elliot Porter's work because: 1) The photographs were not taken out in remote wilderness like he normally would. 2) They were not shot using the same technology as Porter. He used  point and shoot Leica and used dye transfers to color his images.

I used a digital camera with the color already built in and edited the images in Lightroom to bring out texture and color. Some of the challenges that I faced while working on this project included location. I was unable to access truly remote locations like Porter was able to another problem I faced was time. This project was a race against time as his best photos were taken during autumn, and this project took place later in the season as the leaves were nearly gone. I did find success in this project, however.


I think my images captured the color and texture of his work and the season. My camera captured more detail than I thought it was capable of. If I could do something differently, I would start this project much earlier and try to shoot photos up in the mountains where I used to live. Throughout this process, I learned to use my camera much more efficiently and feel much more confident in my photography skills.

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